Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hunger Games

I absolutely loved reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I found it difficult to put down and ended up reading it within two days. Collins made it so easy for the reader to relate to Katniss and her struggles and accomplishments. I too, have a younger sibling so I found that I believed in every decision Katniss was making throughout the book. I also think that it was wonderful that her, and partially Peeta,  stayed true to themselves and their beliefs throughout the trials of the games. Katniss was still kind-hearted and truly believed in people. The love story between Katniss and Peeta also added to the intensity of the book. As a teenager, many times a person will have deep feelings for another and never voices them, or, in Peeta's case, voices them and isn't taken seriously. Listen to this song quickly before I go on:
OK, so I'm sure many of you have heard this song before, but after reading this book I couldn't help but somewhat think of Peeta and his feelings towards Katniss. Even though she didn't fully buy the fact that he was in love with her, Peeta was still there for Katniss through everything and looked after her when she needed it. Without his comfort it seemed she would have never made it through the games.
All of these books that we've read in this class so far seem to have a common theme of a person or people rebelling against a higher power or supreme. I think its interesting to see how Katniss showed her disrespect toward the capitol by decorating Rue. Much like how Winston wrote in a diary knowing it was breaking the ministries rules.
I am SO glad we read this book  for this class. It has definitely  become one of my favorites and I can't wait to start the next in the trilogy ( as nerdy as that sounds :P)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Obsession with Reality TV

Okay, so I will fully admit that I am a reality show junkie. Teen Mom, Jersey Shore, I watch them all. It's my guilty pleasure and no, it doesn't make me dumb for loving it. For this assignment I chose to watch the finale of Jersey Shore If you don't know, it's a show that follows a group of people living their lives at the Jersey Shore over the summer. Heres a clip of just a couple things that happened this season:

This particular episode wasn't as eventful as the others, but I was still hooked. It started out with a clip from the previous episode where, Mike, "The Situation", chose to tell Ronnie that Sam was "creepin" behind his back with another guy at the club that Mike knew. Of course that turned into a blow out fight where Sam denied everything, but Ron had enough and the episode ended with them calling it quits. Jenny finds out shes going to be "exclusive" with her summer fling, Snooks "gets it in" and considers that a great way to end the summer, and Deena and Vin get into a fight where he calls her the name that no one wants to be called, ANGELINA. (Yeah, I know that sounds dumb but it was entertaining for me ha). It ended with everyone saying goodbye to each other and saying how they wished to do it again this summer.
I think that the show is really following their lives, yeah maybe some things are embellished or some fights are instigated, but its still what's going on in their lives. It's kind of sad to admit, but I enjoy watching the arguments and the crazy things they get into. They get paid to have a good time, say what's on their mind and allow people to watch it. I did feel a little bad for Deena, who was called Angelina because she got in the way of Vinny hooking up with her best friend. But other than that, I thought the episode was pretty funny.
This show appeals to me and many others because it's exactly what I wish I could be doing. I'm not shy to admit that sometimes I wish I could get paid to live in a house with fun, entertaining people, have an easy job and get paid to have a good time and make others laugh all summer. Doesn't that sound even a little appealing to you?
I feel that my role as the viewer is to continue watching what I like, and right now Jersey Shore seems to fulfill a lot of what entertains me. Theres drama, friendship, partying and a lot of things to laugh at. With out viewers like me there wouldn't be a need for the show.
Reality TV may not be the best thing to watch, but I'll fully admit its got me hooked, at least for now and I can't wait for the next season on JS.