Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Personal Feed

When I first saw this prompt, I wont lie, I felt kind of lost. It was hard for me to really pinpoint what exactly would come up in my feed simply because I am interested in so many different things. After much thought I came down to the following four things; Itunes, Philadelphia sports, clothing/shoes and Ocean City, Maryland. Yeah, it's a little random, but they all explain my personality and whats important to me.  

The first product that would be advertised on my feed would be Itunes. It is no joke to anyone who is close to me that I am addicted to music. I constantly have music playing and if I don't then a song is normally stuck in my head. Music has always been one of the main things that has been able to  completely calm me down or pump me up and I truly believe that there is a song for every mood. By having Itunes in my feed I'd be able to keep up with the newest artists and buy the newest songs. 

Next would be all Philadelphia sports news, updates, merchandise, tickets, etc.. I grew up in Lancaster which isn't a long drive from Philadelphia so making trips there was a normal thing that occurred quite often.  My whole family is really into sports so watching and going to games is really a bonding experience for all of us. I am pretty girly but take me to a game and I will scream just as loud, if not louder, than the grown men around me. My daddy taught me well, and I will be a Philly girl for life. 

The next thing that would be advertised on my feed would be clothing and shoe campaigns. I love everything about shopping and putting outfits together so having stores advertise their sales would be ideal for me. I'll even go as far as saying that shopping calms me down and can make my day better. For instance, last week was super stressful and I wasn't feeling well. I went home and before coming back to school stopped at the mall and picked up a few cute staples, which instantly made me feel a little better. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm ridiculous but hey, it works for me haha. 

The final advertisement that would be on my feed would be for the the beaches in Ocean City, Maryland. For as long as I can remember my family has been going to Ocean City every year, so I have many special memories there. We were even lucky enough to get a house there a couple of years ago and ever since I have spent my my entire summers down working and relaxing with friends. To say that summer is my favorite season is an understatement, so having ads that remind me of all of the fun and exciting things I'll be partaking in this summer would be amazing. 


  1. I wish I would have thought about vacation when posting my advertisements because it is most definitely something that everyone needs once and a while. I think it's crazy that this is the second post in a row that has said something about Apple products, and honestly the company SCARES me! They own everything... meaning if there were a feed.. they would be on it!

  2. I share many common interests with you! Music is a big part of my life as well. It lets you express yourself and your emotions. So when you're sad, you listen to sad songs...when you're happy, you listen to songs that pump you up! That's just the way it is! Ha! Ocean City is also one of my favorite places to go. I just love the atmosphere! I think it's funny how you and Ashley both chose clothing as a pop up on your feed. It shows how much we like to shop for new things.

  3. It seems like everyone in our group chose to do the same response about what ads our own Feed's would throw at us. Actually, everyone DID do that one except for Chris. haha Anyway, your's is the last one that I read and I'm starting to notice a trend. It seems like all the ads (from all our's) have one thing in common: they are all ways of getting us "away" ,in some form or another, to forget about stress and do something that we actually enjoy. I just thought that this was pretty funny considering the fact that having the Feed in the first place was supposed to eliminate some of the stresses of every day life and make life a little easier. So it's ironic to me that the Feed would be feeding all of us suggestions on how to "get away" and relax when ideally, the Feed should be making life easier and less stressful in itself.

  4. I have started to notice that everyone is choosing things for their personal Feed to be related to entertainment in someway. It has begun to dawn on me that the things that most of us enjoy do not consist of literature, or history and most current events. The things we find happiness in are experiences, materials and music. Are we beginning to lose sight of what is really important for long periods of time and believe short lived stuff is of greater essence?
