Thursday, April 7, 2011

Burning Books

Okay, I will be the first to admit that reading has taken a back seat on my priority list lately. But I will say that reading is one of my favorite things to do when I have the extra time. Personally I would be pretty sad and upset if books were taken away or banned. I kind of feel like its one of those situations where you don't really appreciate what you have when it's available to you all the time, but if someone were to tell me that I wasn't allowed to read I would have an even bigger desire to do so.

I feel that if books were to be a thing of the past our future would be no where near as smart as past generations. Doctors and Psychologists use books to help diagnose sick individuals. Students use text books to help understand topics that are discussed in class and to broaden their knowledge. Some people just use books as a form of escape. A world without books, I feel, would be extremely different then the world we're used to.

Sadly, I feel like we are already beginning to "burn" books now. Our generation especially would rather watch reality tv or surf the internet before sitting and reading a book. Another way we burn books is by simply passing them by. If a title or cover doesn't look interesting to us we pass it up with out even finding out if it has an amazing story woven within it.

These are just my opinions, but I really hope that books don't become a thing of the past. Personally, I think we need them.


  1. "I kind of feel like its one of those situations where you don't really appreciate what you have when it's available to you all the time, but if someone were to tell me that I wasn't allowed to read I would have an even bigger desire to do so."

    We honestly do not realize what we have until it is taken away from us. It kind of goes along with the freedom of speech thing too. We say whatever we want because we can...but what if we weren't allowed to say certain words or things or talk about certain ideas. It's the same way with books. When we can read all the time and read anything we want even if it's how to make a bomb or books on politics and the government, we choose not to because those books will "always be there." Well what happens when the government decides to take all these books away? It's like taking a chunk of our freedom away.

    You and Evan both put about technology taking a front seat to reading books. I definitely agree. I also put in my blog about how we pass over books if they look boring to us...but the boring looking books are probably the best ones!

  2. "I kind of feel like its one of those situations where you don't really appreciate what you have when it's available to you all the time, but if someone were to tell me that I wasn't allowed to read I would have an even bigger desire to do so."

    I would definitely agree with you here. I just think that I would feel like I was missing out on so much if there weren't books anymore. It's weird though because even now I don't read books but I don't feel that way about missing out? So you're exactly right, it's a feeling or desire in this case that we wouldn't get until they were actually gone. It's just like when people say you don't ever really miss anything until it's taken from you. This is a unique situation though because it's not even like I use books all that much right now. For some reason though I feel like I'd miss them if they just weren't there. So, good point!

  3. That's exactly the problem! We never have extra time to actually sit and enjoy a book anymore. We have so much technology that we utilize and obsess over that we never let books come first. We would rather be online on Facebook or texting our friends on our cell phones, or even...typing up a blog for literature class...than reading a book.

  4. Are literature blogs preferable to reading? lol
    I think we discussed this issue of "not enough time" when we argued over Bauerlein's assertions regarding your generation. Do we really not have time?

  5. It's interesting that you brought up how we would rather surf the internet or watch reality tv than read a book. But where would the internet come from if we did not have books? and where would the stories underneath reality tv come from if we did not have books that have already told the same story. I'm glad you would be upset if we lost books, I would be too.
